Grappler Interval Training

If you’re stuck in doors and can’t get to the academy try this 👇🏼

I used to use this method a lot back in the days when there wasn’t many options per week to train BJJ. The consecutive intervals and the changing exercises provide us with a simulation of a sparring round, or as close as we can get with out a partner. This is especially useful if you’re short on time but need to get in an invigorating workout. This workout can be done a few different ways depending on your fitness level.

Method 1: 30sec consecutive intervals, 30sec for each exercise. 5min Total – for 1-3 Rounds

Method 2: 30 seconds on/30 seconds off interval training sessions: 30sec for each exercise. 30sec rest, 10min Total – for 1-3 Rounds

  1. Shuttle Run
  2. Swim Push up
  3. Tech Stand up & Down
  4. Jump Back – Push Up
  5. Bicycle Sit Up
  6. Sit-outs
  7. Prisoner Squat
  8. Monkey Jump
  9. Scissor Jump
  10. Burpee & Sprawl ⠀⠀

⌚️You can either take a 60-90 second break at the end of the round (or as long as you need) and repeat for 3 rounds, or you can go through it 3x non stop if your a total badass.. 💭 There are many ways to modify it along with regressions or progressions to the exercises. You can even change the exercises if you wish. Video your workout and post it here and give inspiration to the group to stay active. Have fun, stay healthy, OSS!

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